Online Classes

Fall Online Classes
Class Length: 60 Minutes 5 Students per class

Math Olympiad (Grade 3 to Grade 8)

Math Olympiad course is designed to teach the major strategies of problem solving, to foster mathematical creativity, and to stimulate enthusiasm and love for the types of problems that students encounter in competitive mathematics. Becoming good in math olympiad type of problems almost automatically gives you a better and deeper understanding of the school mathematics in  general. Solving a lot of math olympiad problems gives you a skill and experience for solving non-standard problems, where you most definitely have to think outside the box.

Once a week (Tuesday 3:00 to 4:00pm for 3rd Grade)
Total: 10 Session (Thursday 4:00 to 5:00pm for 4th to 5th Grade)
Fees: $250 (Tuesday 5:00 to 6:00pm for 6th to 8th Grade)

Math in Focus (Singapore Math) Grade 1st to Grade 5th

Math in Focus provides an authentic Singapore math curriculum, highlighting problem solving as the focus of mathematical
learning. This complete program teaches concepts using a concrete-pictorial-abstract learning progression to anchor learning in
real-world and hands-on experiences.

Once a week (Monday  3:00 to 4:00pm for 2nd Grade)
Total: 10 Session (Monday 4:00 to 5:00pm for 3rd Grade)
Fees: $250 (Monday 5:00 to 6:00pm for 4th Grade)

5th Grade Math Placement Test Prep

This accelerated math class prepares the current 5th grade students for the math placement test of next year. Students who do well
on this test will skip 6th grade Common Core math and be placed in an accelerated or 7th Grade Common Core Math in the
middle school.
Once a week (Friday 3:00 to 4:00pm)
Total: 10 Sessions
Fees: $250

Public Speaking and Debating

Public speaking refers to speaking in a structured manner to a group of audience whereby the speaker intends to inform, entertain or influence the listeners whereas debating is a controversial argument between two individuals or teams that stand as opponents with one in favor of the topic and one against the topic. It helps build confidence and are excellent ways of improving communication skills.

Once a week (Friday 3:00 to 4:00pm)
Total: 10 Session
Fees: $150


The origin of aerospace engineering can be traced back to the aviation pioneers around the late 19th to early 20th centuries, although the work of Sir George Cayley dates from the last decade of the 18th to mid-19th century. Aerospace History will provide a rich and interesting course that deals with the People and Flying Machines of the subject

Once a Week (Tuesday 3:00 to 4:00pm)
Total: 10 Session
Fees: $150

Intensive Reading Comprehension Fundamentals (Grade 1st to Grade 5th)

Course Description:
“Participants in this online course will develop fundamental reading skills and strategies. Through a series of fiction and
nonfiction texts, students will acquire a deeper understanding of each elemental comprehension skill and strategy instructed.
Topics Include:
– Main Idea and Details
– Compare and Contrast
– Making Inferences
– Cause and Effect
– Author’s Purpose
– Historical Fiction

Once a week (Wednesday 3:00 to 4:00pm for 2nd to 3rd Grade)
Total: 10 Session (Wednesday 4:00 to 5:00pm for 4th to 5th Grade)
Fees: $250

The Six Traits of Writing (Grade 1st to Grade 5th)

Students will learn how to write and edit text, facilitators can use the six traits of writing as a helpful guide. The six traits are:
ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency and conventions. The activities in this resource can be used throughout
the year as students analyze text, engage in peer editing and apply the concepts to their own writing.

Once a week (Monday 3:00 to 4:00pm for 2nd to 3rd Grade)
Total: 10 Session (Monday 4:00 to 5:00pm for 4th to 5th Grade)
Fees: $250

CoGAT Test Prep (2nd Grade)

This test consists of three areas which measure verbal, quantitative and nonverbal reasoning. To be considered for SRVUSD
GATE identification, a student whose National Composite Percentile Rank is at 98 or above is considered. Additionally, a student
whose National Composite Percentile Rank is 97 AND has scored a 99 in ONE of the three areas (Verbal, Quantitative or Non
Verbal), will be considered for GATE identification. The results of CogAT are also used for eligibility for the Academic Talent
Program (ATP) selection process. To learn how CogAT is used for ATP eligibility, please go to the ATP webpage.
Because the CogAT is not related to grade level standards, teachers do not use the results to assess students’ progress at school.
CogAT results have no impact on students’ access to accelerated, honors, or advanced courses in future years. Because the CogAT
content is challenging and is used for the purpose of GATE identification, the testing may not be necessary for all students. In
particular, it may cause anxiety in some students and not be in their best interest to participate. Our district does not recommend
any materials for CogAT preparation. Students are encouraged to take the CogAT with minimal test preparation so that we get an
accurate measure of the students’ reasoning skills.

Once a week (Friday 3:00 to 4:00)
Total: 10 Sessions
Fees: $220


Students will learn the basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing; they will practice their conversational
skills through dynamic and interactive activities. Students will also learn about the culture and history of the language.

Once a week (Thursday 3:00 to 4:00pm)
Total: 10 Session
Fees: $150


Students will learn the basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing; they will practice their conversational
skills through dynamic and interactive activities. Students will also learn about the culture and history of the language.
Once a week (Thursday 3:00 to 4:00pm)

Total: 10 Session
Fees: $150


Chess is known as a noble game – “a game of kings“, and it is no coincidence, as it takes/develops similar skills. How come?
Consider the following facts: in the initial position the player heading the white pieces has 20 possible ways to play, to which his/her opponent can react in many ways. As the game progresses, the number of possibilities grows, thus for his second move each player will already have about 30 possible moves, which means that after only two moves approximately 360000 different positions can be reached! What can be a better simulation of a real life, that forces us to react to just as many changes, big and small on a daily basis?
In chess, just like in life, you can either aimlessly wander around, hoping for a miracle, or set yourself a goal, build a plan and strive to accomplish it. The latter is no guarantee of success, but the former is a sure recipe for failure. Chess teaches you to have a goal and overcome the obstacles on your way there. A person with the facility to win at chess is ready to conquer any complex problem on either a personal or business level. Chess learning helps to develop thinking skills, enhances mental prowess and directly contributes to academic performance and makes people smarter in a variety of ways, like:
-Learning to play Chess dramatically improves the ability to think rationally
-Play Chess to learn and develop patience and thoughtfulness
-Playing Chess helps you to learn and increase cognitive skills
-Playing Chess helps you to learn and improves communication skills and aptitude in recognizing patterns
-Learning to play Chess results in higher grades, especially in English and Math studies
-Learning to play Chess makes people be more focused by teaching the benefits of careful observation and concentration
-Learning Chess stimulates visualizing – players are prompted to imagine a sequence of actions before they happen
-Chess helps you to learn and build a sense of team spirit, while emphasizing the ability of the individual
-Chess helps you to learn the value of hard work, concentration and commitment
-Learning to play Chess instills a sense of self-confidence and self-worth
-Chess makes a person to learn and realize responsibility for own actions and acceptance of the consequences
-Playing Chess helps in making friends more easily because it provides a safe forum for gathering and discussion
-Playing Chess, through competition, gives a palpable sign of accomplishments
-Chess helps to learn and develop the thinking ahead abilities – players have to think first and only then act

Once a week (Each class is an hour)

Fees: Beginner $200 (10 sessions)      Intermediate $220 (10 Sessions)        Advanced $250 (10 sessions)
Tuesday 3:00 to 4:00pm        Wednesday 5:30 to 6:30pm  Friday 5:00 to 6:00pm


One on One Tutoring (All Subjects)